Holy Moly can exclusively reveal that Lindsay Lohan is to be questioned by police in connection with the disappearance of £30,000 worth of jewellery from a magazine shoot. Lindsay was photographed in London for the forthcoming shoot and according to sources was bowled over by the rocks:

“She kept going on about the jewels asking if she could have them. We all thought she was joking!” The jewellers realised the £30k worth of bling was missing after the shoot and contacted the magazine, who denied any knowledge of their whereabouts.
Requests for information, or for the return of the swag, has been repeatedly put to Lindsay’s representatives, but two weeks later both magazine and jewellers have yet to receive any form of response. This has left them with no alternative but to pass the case on to British police.
This isn’t the first time Lindsay has been linked with stolen stuff. Louis Vuitton reportedly refuse to deal with her anymore after she repeatedly stole stuff from their shoots:
According to the New York Post:
“Louis Vuitton had sent over some samples for her to wear in the shoot. Lindsay kept shoving the clothes into her bag, and a stylist’s assistant kept getting them out of the bag, only to have Lindsay keep trying to take them. She ended up walking off with a very expensive shirt and some other items - which screwed Louis Vuitton because they were set to go to Vogue, W and Harper’s Bazaar for other shoots. They were furious and kept trying to get their clothes back, but . . . Lindsay walked out with them and never returned calls.”
No official confirmation from the police regarding Linday’s involvement yet, but watch this space.
[From Holy Moly]
I’m surprised Lohan’s gotten away with pissing off a company as big as Louis Vuitton. And repeatedly asking if she could just have $49k worth of jewelry? How freaking awkward is that? And then how obvious is it when the stuff just goes missing? Lindsay Lohan: criminal mastermind. You heard it here first.
Lohan’s long history of stealing expensive stuff isn’t limited to the rich and powerful. She stole $10,000 worth of designer clothing from her former friend, model Lauren Hastings. Of course Lohan denied denied denied, and absolutely nothing happened to her. Good to know that all you need to do to get away with stealing expensive stuff is just say “No I didn’t.” It’s amazing anyone ever ends up behind bars!

A year ago Lohan also stole an $11,000 fur coat from stranger after spying it at a club. She’d openly admired it in front of several people, then the coat went missing from the club’s coatroom. And just to prove what a freaking moron Lindsay Lohan is (in case you were in doubt), she was photographed wearing it later that night by the paparazzi. The woman had to hire a lawyer to get her jacket back from Lohan, who refused to acknowledge any wrong doing.

I’m not up-to-date on all the technicalities of the British legal system, but I know there are a few unexpected twists and turns in there. I hope one of them is that they still use the stocks for theft. Or the chopping off of a hand. According to Lindsay she has no idea what her hands have been up to, so it seems like the most logical solution.