Cristiano Ronaldo nailing topless girlfriend Nereida Gallardo at the Beach

Ronaldo's girlfriend (ex?) Spanish Model Nereida Gallardo continues her epic quest to spend 90% of the summer totally topless in order to piss off ex-boyfriend Cristiano Ronaldo. I wish my exes flashed their boobs to get back at me. Boy, would I learn my lesson. Ronaldo probably made use of her to teach him Spanish to prepare for his eventual move to Real Madrid. He paid with fucks, not bucks. I bet he feinted in pain, and feinted diving while screwing her on the beach. This is a place where he can really dive, not on the soccer pitch please.

I'm posting pics of Nereida Gallardo who's vacationing in Sardinia with boyfriend Cristiano Ronaldo. These shots are from today, but I also added some from yesterday because, well, NUDE BIKINI.

These are shots of Spanish model Nereida Gallardo topless in Ibiza. You may remember Nereida from the bikini shots a few weeks back when she was vacationing with soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo - who just dumped her on her ass. Some say she's prancing around topless to show him what he's missing. While others say she's just demonstrating Europeans less puritanical view of nudity.