Melt in Your Mouth

I love chocolate. It's an unabashed affair. One taste of the {high quality} stuff is like a good kiss - all seems right with the world when you have even just a little - and yet it's a fleeting feeling that leaves you wanting more.

via aubrey road tumblr_lcjr3bwhwM1qb1g3zo1_400
images via aubrey road and that kind of woman

This kitchen, on the other hand gives you everything you need all at once. Creamy chocolate brown floors, dark chocolaty smooth counter tops and a peak into the treasures it hides behind it's milky white chocloate doors. My mouth is watering just looking at it.

You may not be able to have this kitchen. But you can have chocolate - you can even make your own little bite of heaven. I feel a Saturday morning cooking project coming on!

Fig & Ginger Chocolate Truffles {via the Food Network}
2 cups dried black mission figs, or other dried figs (about 8 ounces)
1/4 cup crystallized ginger (about 2 ounces)
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 tablespoon honey
2 1/2 ounces dark chocolate (60 to 70 percent cocoa solids), chopped

Remove the stems from the figs and discard. Put the figs, ginger, cinnamon and honey in a food processor and process for about 45 seconds, until the ingredients are finely chopped and begin to stick together.

Roll the fig mixture with your hands into heaping teaspoon-sized balls and set them on a baking sheet or plate lined with waxed paper.

Place a small bowl over a saucepan, containing barely simmering water, over low heat Make sure the water is at least 2 inches from the bottom of the bowl. Place half the chocolate in the bowl and stir until it is melted. Remove the saucepan from the heat and add the remaining chocolate. Stir until all the chocolate is melted. Remove the bowl containing the chocolate from the pan.

Roll the fig balls into the melted chocolate 1 or 2 at a time, until they are all covered. Place them back on the waxed paper and chill in the refrigerator until set, about 15 minutes. Serve at room temperature.