Everything I Need to Know

I learned at Alt Design Summit!

alt inspiration
image via here

I cannot begin to effectively communicate the waves of energy, inspiration and motivation that swept through every room, every talk and reverberated through every encounter I had during my 72 hours in Salt Lake City. The conference left me hoarse and on a high I hadn’t felt in so long.

The experience also left me with an epic to-do list. Here's what I have at the very top:

~ Get organized, with help from thisthis, this, this and for the traditionalists, this
~ Be true to my passions
~ Know my worth
~ Collaborate, collaborate, collaborate {Want to join in the fun? Email me!}
~ Hold regular kickin' resource parties {What is a resource party, you ask? Find out more here!}
~ Throw all kinds of parties. All the time.
~ Aspire to be uber-nice (like Erin Loechner, aka the human sparkler) – it’s so much better than the alternative
~ Never, {ok, ok} try to never phone it in
~ Be a doer, not a talker

And I had to share a few of my other favorite takeaways:
~ Tall roomies rock!
~ Kirsten is pronounced like ear, deer and beer
~ "If life is water, blogging can be the drain"
~ Good friends are hard to find - but I feel like I suddenly have 400 more!
Fabulous Alt recaps continue to pop up everywhere and I highly recommend you make the rounds.

Between Caitlin, Lisa, Kirsten, Promise, Anna, CamilleKarey and Megan you'll find the practical, the poignant, the hilarious takes on Alt and everything in between.

I hoped my recap might help those who weren't able to be there learn a blogging tip or two, find a new blog {or a dozen!} to read and simply rest assured that there is a whole community out there to support you.

Till Alt Summit 2012 luvies!
*Mrs. E