Monday Work Wear {Still Feening for Fall!}

Fall just keeps teasing me today. I just took a look at Apartment #34 sponsor Dace's fall line and now I'm really looking forward the first crisp night of the year! I'm planning on stocking up on cropped pants to wear with my wedges now and then with my ankle boots come September.

dace via black eifel

I know, I know, I should be appreciating every sunny, 80 degree-day we have in the Pacific Northwest, but what can I say, fall is my favorite season and as the new lines begin to trickle into stores my interest has already been piqued.

Especially as I flip through my favorite glossies and see coats like this from Ralph Lauren and Tod's.


And then there is my favorite fall purchase - a new bag and a pair of boots for the season (or 3 or 4!).

4790822067_df0c85111a_b via froufrouproenza5proenza via because i'm an addict
proenza schouler via because i'm addicted and reese hudson black leather bag via froufrouu

There are so many thick cable knits, layered looks and yummy tectured goodness to look forward to. But for the moment, back to our regular summer schedule. Enjoy those tanks and rompers now my dears.

Happy Monday luvies!
Mrs. E