Lady GaGa's Always Been a Freak!

In Celebs by Meieli Sawyer Detoni

Lady GaGa doesn't just dress up and act out to get attention, she says: she's just always been freaky. Miss Sometimes No-Pants went on the Ellen DeGeneres Show to talk about her getups and fans, attempting to clear up some assumptions a lot of us have had about the bold, trendy, and "creative" singer.

Admitting that she had wanted to be like Boy George in high school, Lady Gaga said that it's all about the fans--and she's not faking.

"I didn't fit in in high school, and I felt like a freak. So I like to create this atmosphere for my fans where they feel like they have a freak in me to hang out with, and they don't feel alone," she said.

"I want my fans to know that it's OK," she continued. "Sometimes in life you don't always feel like a winner, but that doesn't mean you're not a winner."

It's not just the fans that get Lady GaGa going, but her own family. She said that she wrote Speechless for her dad to implore him to get surgery (it worked), and now he's "doing better."

"I was on the road, and I was having a lot of trouble missing my parents and wanting to be with my dad," she said.

At least Lady GaGa's telling it like it is! Do you believe that she loves her "Little Monster" (fans) this much, or is it a marketing trick to get their money? I still can't believe how plain-jane she was just a few years back, but it's not wrong to let that freak flag fly!