Winnie Cheng have sex with 19 Boy-friends, 郑咏恩火辣欲照外泄 秋官力撑爱女

Adam Cheng's daughter, Winnie Cheng Sex Scandal Video

Adam Cheng’s daughter, Winnie Cheng, 19, has posted pictures of herself partying and kissing 19 different men on her blog. Her father, Adam Cheng, said it was not a big deal for Winnie to be in a bikini and posing in pictures. Winnie Cheng was sent to England to study. It was rumored that her father wanted her to change after he saw her photos where she was kissing two men. Winnie Cheng has posted more photos of herself in the company of different men. Adam Cheng said he would be reminding Winnie not to post pictures online. Winnie’s mother is Koon Ching-wah. Winnie has a younger sister, Cecily Cheng. Adam Cheng’s eldest daughter is Joyce Cheng, whose mother is Lydia Sum, Adam’s ex-wife. Click pictures to enlarge.... 07年本刊直擊鄭少秋索爆女兒鄭詠恩聖誕連環啜兩仔,盡顯其豪放一面,成為全城熱話,但事件曝光後,詠恩不但沒有收斂,私生活更愈來愈狂放。 現身在英國留學的詠恩,因沒有父母在身邊,便如脫韁野馬無所顧忌,讀書為名媾仔為實,夜夜開P,盡情啜仔。 一批詠恩存放在facebook供好友分享的照片,近日被二五友人傳出,原來她如張茆愛自拍晒身材,又與男友由夜店啜到公廁,整批相中媾仔人數竟達16位,如此「博愛」比秋官更風流!